Sunday, January 16, 2011


You know how everyone talks about the first moments in love. They talk about how sweet the first kiss is, the first time they hold hands, the first time they say I love you. They talk about how you walk on air and smile like an fool.
And you know what? Those things are all fine, but honestly, I don't like them. I want to kiss passionately with someone all while knowing that they will love me forever and stay with me til the day I die. I want to hold hands while we embark on the new journeys life has to offer us together knowing we will be there to back each other up. I want to say I am in love to that guy because I cannot imagine NOT saying it every day. I want to be grounded to the earth and trust in the one person that will guide me, support me, and be my anchor in the storm. I want to secretly smile because I know that I am with the one person who I will love with all of my being.

But first I have to go through all of the firsts in a relationship to find out if they're the person that I am supposed to be with and frankly, that scares the hell out of me. Do I even want to go through that with another guy who will unappreciate me, make me feel small, make me doubt who I am? Is it worth the risk?

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