What gets the artist in the mood to do art? What sparks the idea?
I've recently learned that songs, mostly lyrics, inspire me to paint something. I hear a phrase and then I've got to illustrate what that looks like. I want to put down what I thought of when I heard it. It may not actually make sense to the song but it's the image that comes into my head. Music influences my art because it influences my feelings and thought processes. Sometimes a song just really illustrates what I'm feeling or thinking about so perfectly that I now know how to translate that into images.
Other times it's seeing another artist's work and thinking,"that's so freaking awesome!" that I want to create that so much! I want to have the same success. When I see a beautiful work of art, I'm inspired to do even better because I know that it can be done and I can figure it out eventually. Sometimes it's harder than I anticipated, so I stop and wait until I'm advanced enough to actually do that in my work. I feel like I have this whole life before me that is meant for me to become a better artist and make amazing works. To me, it's worth living and breathing for.
Because I put my heart and soul and time and energy into my work, it really angers me when others tell me my art should be cheaper. How can they ever say that a part of my soul and heart isn't worth the price? If that's what they think, then I don't want to sell it to them. I want to sell my art to those who will appreciate it like they would a baby, because it IS a baby, and it's the baby of my heart. It's my child. It's what I have the most passion for in life. Everything else is just incidental. I know I'm not as intense as some artists, but I need the fun in order to think and create.
Random quote:
Ker: you're sitting on my feet
Me: well move them
Ker: but then I'll have to spread my legs....
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